The Moraine Valley 警察 Department provides primary first responder service to the college community on our main campus in Palos Hills, 蓝岛的教育中心, 以及Tinley Park的西南教育中心.

停电, 火灾, 构建失败, 有害物质的情况下, and weather-related evacuations and closings are the primary threats on our campuses. We ask students and staff to remember that Moraine Valley is protected by a fully trained police department and has adopted a “Shelter in Place” philosophy at the college.

紧急情况下, the college police department will communicate through our integrated public address system that covers all common areas within the college, 电子邮件和我们的群发短信通知系统.

在大多数情况下, we will ask all persons to take shelter in the buildings they are in and follow directions of the campus police and building captains located within the buildings. Building captains can be identified as those persons wearing bright green vests that state “Building Captains.” These volunteers have been trained to support the police department functions in times of emergency.

在建筑不安全的情况下, 比如火灾或建筑故障, those in the building are asked to follow the directions issued by the police department over the PA and evacuate to designated buildings as instructed. 社区服务人员, building captains and police officers will assist in the relocation of any persons who are unable to evacuate themselves.

Disabled persons who need assistance during an evacuation may be transported to the closest “red phone.” Once contact has been made with the dispatch center, the assisting party may leave the building. The disabled person will remain in contact with police dispatch until police department staff arrives. The campus “red phones” are located throughout all main hallways in all of the buildings. They work as a direct dial to the dispatch center and their locations are listed on our dispatch desk once they are activated.

Faculty should make sure their students who need assistance and cannot self-evacuate safely, are moved to the red phone locations and contact is made with dispatch. Once this has been completed, faculty should remove themselves and their other students from harm. 除非是教职员工的判断, there is not time to contact the police department and there is an extreme immediate risk to the disabled person, evacuating disabled students or staff downstairs should not be attempted by untrained staff or students.

While 冰碛谷社区学院 has one of the lowest crime rates of any public institution in the state, 总有一些未知的事情在毫无预兆的情况下发生. 一个暴力闯入者应该进入我们的校园建筑吗, 警察部门将对该澳门网上真人赌博官网作出反应进行干预. Our dispatch staff will automatically lock down the exterior doors to prevent persons from moving from one building to another. You should follow police department directions and do not take it upon yourself to open doors for persons outside. Keep in mind there is no “set look” for an active shooter; it could be anyone. 如果你听到或看到有人持枪, 你应该打电话给校园警察(708)974-5555, 使用红色电话, 用手机拨打911, 或者按下停车场的蓝灯紧急按钮. 如果可以的话,给出你的位置和那个人的描述.

如果你听到类似枪声的声音,但你不确定, 离开那片区域,如果可以的话打电话报警. 如果不是, 关掉教室或办公室的灯, 用家具堵住门,把手机调成静音. 不要去空旷的地方. 保持安静和警惕. Remember, if there is a person who is trying to do harm at the college they are looking for targets. 校园警察马上就到. 当校园警察到达时, 他们不是来救你的, they are there to actively engage the offender and end the threat to you and others. 待在原地,直到有人叫你离开. 不要跑到走廊去接近警察. 他们不知道你是不是教职员, a student or the person who is threatening the well-being of others.

如果警察来找你,让他们看看你张开的手. Again, they are trained to look for threats and are not sure who is a suspect. 没人叫你动就不要动. 记住要以协调、有控制的方式移动. 我们在任何时候都应该用三个生存字来回应. Further information may be viewed by watching this Department of 国土安全 – City of Houston Active Shooter Video: 跑,躲,打.

  • 如果有安全路径可用,请运行. 即使别人坚持要留下来,也要尽量逃离或撤离.
  • 鼓励别人和你一起离开, but don’t let the indecision of others slow down your own effort to escape.
  • 如果你不能安全出去,找个地方躲起来.
  • 当隐藏, 把灯关掉, lock doors and silence your ringer and vibration mode on your cell phone. As a last resort, working together or alone, act with aggression, use improvised weapons and fight.

Sex Offender information is available at the Moraine Valley 警察 Department or via our 性犯罪者政策